Manual of Forage and Forage Preservation
Technology of Forage and By-Products Preservation
- Preface
- Why preserve forage?
- Principals of food/feed preservation
- The history of forage preservation by ensiling, and basic terminology
- Flow sheet - silage making, from seed to feed
- Raw material - Selected forages for silage making
- The chemical and microbiological qualities of the whole plant, as relevant to preservation by ensiling
- Harvesting
- Wilting
- Chopping
- Enrichment
- Transportation
- Compaction
- Sealing
- Feed Out
- Synchronization
- The microbiology and chemistry of silage
- Silage additives
- Haylage
- Forage health
- Ensiling facilities - silos and machinery
- Preservation of residues and by-products by ensiling
- Animal wastes
- Preservation of forage by haymaking
- Comparison between ensiling and haymaking - advantages and disadvantages
- Silage research - equipment and analysis
- References according to subjects